Friday, July 10, 2009

Going Home

Finally I'm home! I've been away for the past few months due to many things: family, work etc. I got to thinking about when one is away from home how one longs for home. I then thought about the Christian's 'home'. Where is the Christian's home? Is it as we say 'home is where the heart is'? As a Christian I concluded that my home ( and heart) is with Jesus. Jesus Christ said that He is going to prepare a place for His followers and then He will return for them. In the final chapters of the Book of Revelation we get a good picture of what that 'home' with Jesus will be like. I long for that 'home' to be free of the cares and distresses of this world. I am tired of the way things are on this earth with crime, disease etc. I pray for the soon return of Jesus Christ but till then I must exist in this world. As it is said I must be in the world but not of the world. As believers we ought not to behave as though this present world is our home. Some of us believers live as though there isn't a future 'home' to look forward to as we live in the present sometimes even losing our way. Therefore I urge all readers of this blog post not to trifle with their faith but to rely firmly and only on God. I look forward to the time when there will be no more pain, sorrow, death or anything that was as a result of sin entering the world. I intend to be there by accepting Christ as my Lord and Savior. It will truly be a day of rejoicing when Jesus returns for His chosen ones, I believe by faith I will be amongst them. I therefore pray for all believers that they be faithful to the end and go home to Jesus. Be blessed as always.

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This work by Ann Singh is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.