Saturday, August 29, 2009

Peculiar People

1Pe 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light:
In the past a lot was said about adventists being a 'peculiar people' with certain distinct characteristics that readily set them apart from the world and other religions. Indeed in times past one could readily identify an adventist. Now it seems the line of demarcation between believers and the world has become blurred. Many believers can't be distinguished from worldly associates. Why is this so? This occurs and has occurred simply because some of us no longer desire to be seen as 'peculiar' or 'different' from the rest of the world. We want to 'blend in' not stand out as a sore thumb. We want to dress, behave and live like the world. It seems as we want the world more than Christ! This shows us how far removed from Christ we are. The sad part is that many of us are content with this state of affairs. This is not sad it is frightening! How can the people who claim to be followers of the true God behave like or worse than those they consider 'heathens'? Then we go on to have evangelistic efforts to 'save' those in the world who no doubt regard us as hypocrites! The folks in the world know exactly what we as adventists are supposed to be practicing and living! We can't save anyone when we ourselves need saving! What is needed is a thorough reformation and leaving behind of cherished sins. It is a humbling of self and of dying to self daily. This can only be achieved by daily bible study, prayer and accepting of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross for us. We need to think less of self and more about what our the needs of our friends, relatives, colleagues etc who are perishing in sin. If we love them we will set a good example for them and be the peculiar people we ought to be.


Friday, July 10, 2009

Going Home

Finally I'm home! I've been away for the past few months due to many things: family, work etc. I got to thinking about when one is away from home how one longs for home. I then thought about the Christian's 'home'. Where is the Christian's home? Is it as we say 'home is where the heart is'? As a Christian I concluded that my home ( and heart) is with Jesus. Jesus Christ said that He is going to prepare a place for His followers and then He will return for them. In the final chapters of the Book of Revelation we get a good picture of what that 'home' with Jesus will be like. I long for that 'home' to be free of the cares and distresses of this world. I am tired of the way things are on this earth with crime, disease etc. I pray for the soon return of Jesus Christ but till then I must exist in this world. As it is said I must be in the world but not of the world. As believers we ought not to behave as though this present world is our home. Some of us believers live as though there isn't a future 'home' to look forward to as we live in the present sometimes even losing our way. Therefore I urge all readers of this blog post not to trifle with their faith but to rely firmly and only on God. I look forward to the time when there will be no more pain, sorrow, death or anything that was as a result of sin entering the world. I intend to be there by accepting Christ as my Lord and Savior. It will truly be a day of rejoicing when Jesus returns for His chosen ones, I believe by faith I will be amongst them. I therefore pray for all believers that they be faithful to the end and go home to Jesus. Be blessed as always.


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Righteousness by Faith

A really hot topic that has re-emerged in Adventist circles is that of 'righteousness by faith' and all that it entails: Jones and Waggoner, the humanity of Christ, the acceptance/ non acceptance of the 'message of righteousness by faith' by the Church, justification, sanctification, etc. What really impressed me was that in the 90's when I joined the adventist church controversial topics like 'righteousness by faith', off-shoots and such were not discussed or entertained at all. Recently this trend seems to be reversing with some in-house pastors preaching, and literally quoting from Jones and Waggoner's writings (therefore in my humble opinion embracing the message). Also in-house books are now being promoted that investigate the message of righteousness by faith. At least here in Trinidad openness to this 'most precious message' is indeed welcome news indeed. Previously this message was met with stern resistance from many brethren. To this time there are many who strongly resist the truths that were endorsed by Ellen White that came from brothers Jones and Waggoner. However there is less hostility now with folks being able to sit down and discuss this subject in a very civil manner. Thank God for this, for in the past I have seen both folks for and against the message exhibit some unbecoming behaviour. This change of openness is good for the church both the clergy/pastors and laity/members. I have thus invited a brother who is very knowledgeable on the message of righteousness by faith to write a few posts on this subject. This brother (bro F) has been a proponent of the righteous by faith message for about 10 years. So I think he is well qualified to blog about this topic. Such issues as 'What is righteousness by faith,' 'what really is faith','the nature of Christ' and the like. So til then study this topic if you have not done so before. You will be blessed by so doing.



Friday, February 6, 2009


Lately I've been going through some unusual experiences...Like in the past when my funds were low and I could see no way out of financial gridlock; I would then have been really worried. I would stay up late into the night wondering how I could fix the problem on my own. Even as a Christian this habit of worrying about problems still persisted. Now I have a lot more financial problems than then! Thanks be to God that I have gotten the victory over worrying to a great extent. Presently I take my burdens to the Lord in prayer alone and with my kids. Then I just leave it in His most capable hands. This is an experience that I had to have repeated many times over in my life because I just wasn't getting it: I had to let go and let God take care of the problems. Today I can be confident of God's leading as thus far He has taken me through it all. So now when faced with whatever trials I base my confidence on God, knowing that He (and not I) is in control. As the song goes "With Jesus in the vessel, I can smile at the we go sailing on... Truly I am blessed in spite of all that plagues me because Jesus makes all the difference. Give Jesus first place in your life and all of life's problems will be much easier to bear. Won't you give Him a chance today? Be blessed as always..... And have a blessed and restful sabbath.
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