Friday, February 6, 2009


Lately I've been going through some unusual experiences...Like in the past when my funds were low and I could see no way out of financial gridlock; I would then have been really worried. I would stay up late into the night wondering how I could fix the problem on my own. Even as a Christian this habit of worrying about problems still persisted. Now I have a lot more financial problems than then! Thanks be to God that I have gotten the victory over worrying to a great extent. Presently I take my burdens to the Lord in prayer alone and with my kids. Then I just leave it in His most capable hands. This is an experience that I had to have repeated many times over in my life because I just wasn't getting it: I had to let go and let God take care of the problems. Today I can be confident of God's leading as thus far He has taken me through it all. So now when faced with whatever trials I base my confidence on God, knowing that He (and not I) is in control. As the song goes "With Jesus in the vessel, I can smile at the we go sailing on... Truly I am blessed in spite of all that plagues me because Jesus makes all the difference. Give Jesus first place in your life and all of life's problems will be much easier to bear. Won't you give Him a chance today? Be blessed as always..... And have a blessed and restful sabbath.

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This work by Ann Singh is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.