Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A Word of Caution to Parents

Parenting in these times can be a daunting and sometimes seemingly impossible task! As a parent I know how hard it can be. The role of a parent is the most important of all that you will be required to undertake. It is much more challenging than that of being a employee (or employer), a spouse or any other role you make have to play. Parenting can be a joy or a drag depending on how it is approached by the parent. First and foremost a parent NEEDS to be a role model for his/her kids. I can't be doing things that I know are wrong and then expect my kids not to want to do likewise. Kids are natural imitators of their parents! If you smoke, your kids are going to do likewise! Do you cuss or use profanities? Don't be surprised if they do also. Someone once said our children are a mirror of ourselves. The WORST thing any parent can do is demand that their kids not engage in a certain behavior and the parent is! If you want rebellion and strife in your home this is a sure way of achieving it! So parents watch your attitudes, behavior and lifestyle. Ask yourself honestly: Do I want my kid to turn out to be like me? If the answer is no then your work (and mine) is just starting. So then begin by asking God to forgive you for not being what you should be and ask Him to mould you into the kind of parent you desire to be. Next confess to your kids (gulp) that you have not been a good role model as a parent. Lastly pray with your kids that God will help all (parents & kids) to have good relationships one with another. The old adage still rings true: "The family that prays together stays together". Continue praying together as this will bring you and your kids closer to each other and God. Be Blessed!

Monday, August 25, 2008

A Tough Day

Today was really hectic! I had many, many pressing things to do. With the re-opening of school next week I began my final preparation for this awesome event which also coincides with my returning back to work as well. As I journeyed with my son to purchase school supplies it dawned upon me that we are always in a hurry: to meet deadlines, get to work on time, drop off the kids to school etc. We are now a nation of 'rushans'! This places great stress on our bodies, our relationships with our loves ones and our co-workers. We need to SLOW down! If we don't we will crash! Our bodies will crash, our relationships will crash and we will pay the ultimate price - diseased bodies and broken homes. The remedy? Jesus says "Come apart and rest a while". Resting in Jesus will help us to advoid 'crashing'. He can turn things around! So in the morning before things get hectic go to Him in prayer and ask Him to give you grace for the challeges that lies ahead. During the day whispher a silent prayer to Him. Lastly before retiring to bed give Him thanks for those things that you have accomplished during the day. It works! I know by experience through trial and error. Try it. It was lighten your 'load' on those tough and hectic days. Be blessed.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Beginning Of A Brand New Week

Sabbath ended its now the beginning of a brand new week filled with hope and optimism. This week can only be what we want it to be. Want a good week? Then allow God's Holy Spirit to accomplish it for and through you. The Word says: "I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me". A relative of mine has a saying that rings so true: "Who does good, does good for himself; who does bad, does bad for himself". So straight up our choices dictate how our day/ week or life turns out to be. Want a successful life? Want a happy life? Make God a part of your life and watch at how He can "give you the desires of your heart"! Be Blessed!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Sabbath 23rd August 2008

Its sabbath again. Its very quiet surprisingly for a Saturday morning. I love these mornings where I can just enjoy the stillness and solicitude of God's Holy Day.

It takes on great significance when I know that GOD Himself set apart the Sabbath day as a day of rest for mankind. The sabbath is a great way to revive both body and mind. It is like a stream in the desert after a week of hectic deadlines, work, kids, school etc. Imagine spending an entire day with Jesus without having to think about money worries, spouse, or anything else! Want to be refreshed and rejuvenated? Try observing the Sabbath!

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This work by Ann Singh is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.