Monday, August 25, 2008

A Tough Day

Today was really hectic! I had many, many pressing things to do. With the re-opening of school next week I began my final preparation for this awesome event which also coincides with my returning back to work as well. As I journeyed with my son to purchase school supplies it dawned upon me that we are always in a hurry: to meet deadlines, get to work on time, drop off the kids to school etc. We are now a nation of 'rushans'! This places great stress on our bodies, our relationships with our loves ones and our co-workers. We need to SLOW down! If we don't we will crash! Our bodies will crash, our relationships will crash and we will pay the ultimate price - diseased bodies and broken homes. The remedy? Jesus says "Come apart and rest a while". Resting in Jesus will help us to advoid 'crashing'. He can turn things around! So in the morning before things get hectic go to Him in prayer and ask Him to give you grace for the challeges that lies ahead. During the day whispher a silent prayer to Him. Lastly before retiring to bed give Him thanks for those things that you have accomplished during the day. It works! I know by experience through trial and error. Try it. It was lighten your 'load' on those tough and hectic days. Be blessed.

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This work by Ann Singh is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.