Friday, December 19, 2008

An Adventist Christmas

How do adventists celebrate Christmas?....Well, I can't speak for all of adventism but only of my own experiences with my church and family. In my church there are quite a few year end celebrations for various church groups e.g. AY (Adventist Youth), other church ministries also the entire church. It is a time that the church places more emphasis on the less fortunate in society and in helping them to have a good christmas. This is done through concerted fund raising and donations made by both members and non members.
On a personal level my family and I do not celebrate Christmas as many do. In a way I do celebrate Christmas everyday as I rejoice in the birth of Jesus Christ! I think that as Christians we ought to be glad and give thanks for the Son of God coming to this sinful earth to go eventually die for sinful humanity. On the day that the world celebrates as the birth of Christ my kids and I awake early as usual and have our morning worship. We may sing some songs that are considered Christmas carols. Incidentally in our family we sing carols at any time of the year. We go through our normal routine of breakfast, cleaning of the house, playtime, etc. We do this as there is NO word of scripture that commands us to celebrate the birth of Christ or that Jesus was born on the 25th of December. So readers beware! If in doubt check your Bibles!
This Sabbath the youth department of my home church is going to carry goodies to an orphange. I think that this is in keeping with the commands of Christ concerning helping those in need. So dear readers have a blessed holiday and remember the One who died for you and I many years ago: Jesus Christ


Anonymous said...

Here is an interesting verse to ponder on concerning Christmas:
Eccl 7:1
A good name better than precious ointment; and the day of death than the day of one’s birth.

Anonymous said...

Oops. I hit the send button too quick!
Here is an interesting verse to ponder on concerning Christmas:
Eccl 7:1
A good name better than precious ointment; and the day of death than the day of one’s birth.

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