Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Best Insurance

I have discovered the best insurance there is yet.... With the recent upheavals in the insurance sector and the consequent "bail out" by the government left me thinking about insurance. I was thinking about what can possibly be the 'best insurance' for me and my family. Then it dawned on me I already have the best insurance Jesus Christ! He's better than all the insurance companies put together as He preserves my very life and keeps me out of many kinds of accidents and dangers. Some of these dangers I will never know until I get to the kingdom of glory! In addition to this He has provided for me heavenly escorts in the form of the heavenly hosts - angels! They are my silent, invisible guardians. Also He has graciously provided me with His Holy Spirit living in me to make right choices and decisions to keep me away from harm and danger! Can any earthly insurance company top that? While they may have their usefulness we are not to place our trust and dependence on these organizations for they are man made. More importantly have the right insurance that yields so much blessings here and the ultimate blessing in the hereafter. Today consider 'taking out' some of this type of insurance. It's simply the best! There's no way you will lose. Be blessed.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What is the Church?

What is the Church? Is it a place of worship...or is it entirely something else? Read more to find out. If I were to ask the average person what is the/a church, the many would reply a building, place of worship etc. What would be God's response to this? The answer can be found in the Bible - God's thoughts written for us. Ephesians 2:19-22 says, "19Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God; 20And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; 21In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord:22In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit." This shows us that we (believers) are the habitation of God not a building or structure. Another scripture, 2 Corinthians 2:16 says, "And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people" This clearly shows without a doubt that the church consists of the body of believers. So a family is the church, two persons studying the Bible is the church. I am the church, you are the church, we are the church. Additionally what does the word translated church mean in the Bible? It comes from the Greek word Ekklesia which refers to "an assembly", or "calling out". Obviously this does not refer to a building. In Old Testament times God chose to dwell in the Ark of the Covenant but since atonement was made for sin, God has now chosen to dwell in us. Isn't this a wonderful privilege? That God who in former times was hidden in the temple away from the common people now wants to live in me, in you. Thanks be to God for His great mercies. Make we make the choice today to allow Him to live in us so that we may be living temples.Creative Commons License
This work by Ann Singh is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.


Monday, September 22, 2008

I am worth so much to God

The thought that I am worth so much to God is really a source of great comfort and joy to such a sinner as I. God is truely an awesome God. Imagine in His Word, Jesus explicitly says in Matthew 5:28,29,30 "...Consider the lillies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin.....Wherefore if God so clothe the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?" So my dear friends you and I have nothing to worry about. The God of the Universe who created all things says in verse 33: "Seek ye first the kingdom of God. and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." So folks remember that once you seek God and his righteousness the things that you and I need God will provide according as His Word says.Seeking God is easy. Just go to God in prayer and ask Him to forgive your sin and make known your needs. The next part involves right doing, the keeping of all His commandments. So the next time you see a flower remember God cares for you; see the flower as a token of God's love to/for you. As always be blessed.

Friday, September 19, 2008

How to avoid Adultery

Here are 5 guidelines that can help Christian men and women avoid the pitfall of Adultery.
1. Draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you - James 4:8. The main reason folks fall into sin is because they abandon God (or maybe they never had a relationship with Him). So know that when you feel to stay away from church services, prayer meeting, etc it is then that you NEED to draw nigh to God. Remember God is our refuge and fortress. Maintain your relationship with God!
2. See the one trying to entice you into sin as an agent of Satan. Despite how attractive and enticing the person may be he/she needs to be seen for what they are. Let us pray that God will truly open our eyes.
3. Don't play with sin. You know the person's intention but still like the attention being paid to you. Be careful this 'attention' is designed to pull you away from God, church, your spouse and to dwell more on self.
4. Do not get emotionally involved. Many affairs do not start out as such, but begin innocently enough as simple friendship and gradually begins to get more intense with the two persons involved spending more and more time with each other, having long intimate conversations and generally talking incessantly about each other even to their spouse. This is a no-no! Mash the brakes! Only your spouse is entitled to your intimacies no one else is.
5. Be honest with your spouse. Your husband/ wife is not the enemy! Your spouse is supposed to be your best friend, your companion. Love your wife' husband as yourself. He/She can help you avoid many pitfalls including adultery. Talk things over with him/her before they get out of hand. Remember prevention is better than cure. Nuff said! Be blessed and have a great sabbath!


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Leadership in Crisis!

In any church there are challenges, especially where leadership is concerned. The church board is the local church highest authority. Therefore it pains me to hear of the concerted attacks of satan on leadership. As one who had served as a board member for some time a while aback, it always amazes me how satan weaves his cunning web around some who embrace his lies and deceptions instead of turning away in horror like Joseph: How can I do this thing and sin against God? This does not merely refer to leaders being caught up in sexual sin but any and everything that will bound you to satan. The truth be told I think sexual sin is the major tool the devil uses to ensnare and entrap our male leaders (females to a lesser extent). This I have seen firsthand and quite a few times at that. When these men are at their peak in terms of working for the Lord, it is then that the enemy will use an unconverted agent (member or non member) to wreck and destroy all that has been done in the name of Christ. What had taken years in some instances is destroyed literally over night. The Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy warn us in no uncertain terms of the results of this sin. So then how can leaders, members or anyone avoid this most dangerous pitfall? This will be the subject of my next post. Till then be blessed.

Monday, September 15, 2008

The Shaking

"All that can be shaken, will be shaken" is a quote from one of my favourite Christian writers Ellen G White. This statement is true and describes the state of affairs of the Church today.

Members are in crisis, families are in crisis and sadly churches are in crisis. The 'shaking' that is happening today indicates that we are living in the very end of time. Sister White rightly says of some 'many a bright star will fall', I have seen this time and again even in my own family (sad to say). Some of the persons who have left the Church swore they would never leave and would rather die than abandon God/Church. These persons placed their confidence in 'the arm of flesh' and did not place their trust in Jesus Christ. The Bible says of the human heart that it is deceitful and above all desperately wicked. Some of us don't know the extent of our own wicked hearts and when trials come we can't endure. Our hearts need to be softened and molded and fashioned by Christ. We as Christians are brought into strait places to be tested by God, to be refined as we go through the 'fires of our trials'. Whether we are ready or not the testing time will come, therefore it is wise to be prepare for the 'shaking' that will come. I personally know of persons who were leaders in their local churches who suddenly and without any hint departed from Church never to again step inside the church. Some of them have become the Church's worst enemies and blame everyone else for their spiritual demise except where the blame is to be placed: on themselves. Are you preparing for the 'shaking'? As an adventist I urge you to begin studying your Bibles and Spirit of Prophecy, this will be of invaluable assistance. Don't be self confident for your self will fail you, rely on God and His Word to carry you through the rough times. Be strong in the Lord!


Saturday, September 13, 2008

Off- shoots of Adventism

Today I decided to focus on on the relationship between the adventist church and those splinter groups who have broken off from the Church. These 'off-shoots', dissidents and break away factions are regarded
as anathema by nearly all of mainstream adventism. Many times they are viewed with suspicion and deemed as fanatics and cultish. We can't deny history with the likes of Koresh etc. These incidents are facts and add to the image we have of those who have departed from the adventist church. Many times in the past I was repeatedly told by those mature adventists to have nothing to do with the 'off-shoots' as they are very cunning and can easily brainwash folks to join their church. Well contrary to all that was said a group of believers decided to have a study with a particular group of 'off-shoots'. These people were sincere, dedicated Christians who had strong convictions about certain issues (humanity of Christ, Jones & Waggoner, righteousness by faith, etc). These brethren were (and still are) diligent students of the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. The reason I believe that mainstream adventists avoid them is that we as a people are too lazy and don't know the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy as we ought to. If we as a church are reaching out to others of various faiths why not reach out to those who are closest to us in doctrine? To be honest we as adventists don't know or care in many instances what these people believe or hold as doctrine. Given that they may err on many points (they were unable to refute many Spirit of Prophecy quotes about not forming new church organisations etc) I actually learnt a lot from them and they have some good ideas and insights. So let us not cast them off. We must study with them, learn what their doctrines are and refute the wrong. The attitude of some adventists to these 'break away' groups ia akin to that of the pharisees and scribes of Jesus' day. Now there are some factions that I have studied with who are very insultive and do not have a Christlike disposition, because of this are we to condemn all the off-shoot brethren? In closing I must say I am still a member of the adventist church and still hold fast to the doctrines of the church. I have not seen one 'off-shoot' faction that I can join. I still hold to and believe that the adventist church is the church and as such I can't leave to go anywhere else. What's your take on this?


Friday, September 12, 2008


Jesus many years ago told His disciples to come apart and rest a while. Today His words still echoes across the centuries down to us today. Jesus invites us to come apart and rest a while. What exactly does it mean to come apart and rest a while? Simply put it means to come to Jesus and place your burdens at His feet. In short it means resting from sin and all its manifestations: alcoholism, porn, prostitution, drugs, marital problems, you name it. It means getting the burden of sin lifted off your shoulders. Sin is the greatest burden mankind has to bear, but why bear it when we have the great Burden Bearer Jesus Christ. Resting in Jesus is the best rest that a person can experience. It encompasses both physical and mental rest. There remaineth a rest for the people of God. This 'rest' is a putting away of sin and the putting on of Jesus and His righteousness. So today on the Sabbath day of rest why not come apart and rest in Jesus? It's the greatest rest a person can enjoy. So rest in Jesus. I am!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Answered Prayer

Yesterday I published scientific evidence that prayer really works that is intercessory prayer (or praying for another person). Today I will detail one instance of how God answers prayer. Many years ago I was 5 & 1/2 months pregnant. Without warning I went into premature labour and gave birth to a very tiny baby boy weighing 900 grams (a little less than 2 pounds). In most cases back then the chances of survival of such a premature baby was against all odds. The doctors told my husband and I not to get our hopes up high and don't expect the baby to live beyond 24 hours! These experienced doctors gave their honest medical opinion as they had no doubt seen many similar cases where babies had died. So how did we respond? My husband (then a believer, regrettably no longer now) told the doctors that he respected their opinion but that he knew and believed in God who hears and answers prayer. Both of us began praying for our little boy who was facing such an uphill battle to keep on living! My husband reported to our church members and they too began to pray for our little boy. I too prayed as I remained in the hospital for about 24 hours after this child's birth. God is really a miracle working God! Slowly but surely my son survived the first 24 hours by the grace of God! He was sooo tiny, he could have fit in the palm of my hand. His skin was transparent and I could have seen his internal organs in his tummy. He didn't look like a newborn babe but his skin was loose and wrinkled like that of an old man. Still we gave God thanks for keeping this child alive. This child defied the doctors' expectations day by day! We persevered in prayer and miracle of miracles the baby continued to live and improve day by day. There were many anxious moments along the way:One incidence being His heart stopped beating for a while but started back. This happened a few times. When God gives you life no one can take it away! My husband and I started claiming the promises of Deuteronomy Chapter 28 (a wonderful expo of what God will do for the obedient). When we prayed we claimed these precious promises on behalf of our child. One and a half months later our son was discharged by this time he weighed about 1.5 kilogrammes (about 3 & 1/2 pounds). The doctors again gave their opinions: he may be mentally or physically challenged or both! Well....to God be the glory! I thank God that he honored His promises (in Deuteronomy Chapter 28) and my son has NO mental or physical disabilities! Isn't God awesome! Infact my son just wrote the S.E.A. exam here (a national exam to place you in a high school) and passed for his first choice of high school. Not bad for a kid given less than 24 hours to live by the experts! Today this child is 13 years old and is of average height and build for his age. God has done so much for me through the birth and development of this child. God has proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that He answers prayer. God can give you your miracle just be willing and obedient and surely He will hearken unto thee. May this experience of mine serve to inspire your trust and confidence in God. Be blessed as always.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Power of Prayer

Are you stressed out with the burdens and cares of this life? Are the complexities of modern day life wearing you out? How can my burdens be lightened or made easier? As the old song says 'Take it to the Lord in prayer'. Does prayer really work? Can any good come out of prayer? The Bible says in James 5:11 "The Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy" He is touched by our sorrows and all that troubles us. Jesus promises us in Matthew 21:22 "And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive". God cares for us and wants us to pour out our cares and trials before Him. Can prayer change things? Of course it can and has in the lives of many individuals including myself. How do I know prayer works? There has been quite a few scientific studies done about prayer. In San Francisco in 1988 392 persons of which 192 were to be prayed for by born again Christians unbeknown to them. These 392 persons had heart problems. The other 201 were not prayed for. At the end of the study the group(192) prayed for needed fewer drugs and less help breathing. This study along with others have reconfirmed the effectiveness of prayer. My own personal experience with prayer I shall relate another time. So take your troubles to God in prayer, it has been proven to work! Why not give it a try? You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Be Blessed!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

A Great Sabbath

Due to a recent illness I was unable to do much of anything including writing this blog. Today Sabbath September 6th 2008 I was still a bit under the weather so to speak so I didn't attend church. Rather I stayed home and rested according to the commandment. It was quite enjoyable even though the kids were home. Normally there is a lot of sibling rivalry but not today! It was truly a great sabbath. The kids took turns on the computer going of course on 'sabbatical' sites. The weather also added to making today terrific as it was nice and sunny all the day long. We had an interesting sabbath morning worship reading from the book of Malachi chapter 1. The old testament has much for us as Christians to learn from. So continue to read and learn more from the word of God. Be blessed as always.
Creative Commons License
This work by Ann Singh is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.