Monday, September 15, 2008

The Shaking

"All that can be shaken, will be shaken" is a quote from one of my favourite Christian writers Ellen G White. This statement is true and describes the state of affairs of the Church today.

Members are in crisis, families are in crisis and sadly churches are in crisis. The 'shaking' that is happening today indicates that we are living in the very end of time. Sister White rightly says of some 'many a bright star will fall', I have seen this time and again even in my own family (sad to say). Some of the persons who have left the Church swore they would never leave and would rather die than abandon God/Church. These persons placed their confidence in 'the arm of flesh' and did not place their trust in Jesus Christ. The Bible says of the human heart that it is deceitful and above all desperately wicked. Some of us don't know the extent of our own wicked hearts and when trials come we can't endure. Our hearts need to be softened and molded and fashioned by Christ. We as Christians are brought into strait places to be tested by God, to be refined as we go through the 'fires of our trials'. Whether we are ready or not the testing time will come, therefore it is wise to be prepare for the 'shaking' that will come. I personally know of persons who were leaders in their local churches who suddenly and without any hint departed from Church never to again step inside the church. Some of them have become the Church's worst enemies and blame everyone else for their spiritual demise except where the blame is to be placed: on themselves. Are you preparing for the 'shaking'? As an adventist I urge you to begin studying your Bibles and Spirit of Prophecy, this will be of invaluable assistance. Don't be self confident for your self will fail you, rely on God and His Word to carry you through the rough times. Be strong in the Lord!

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