Saturday, September 6, 2008

A Great Sabbath

Due to a recent illness I was unable to do much of anything including writing this blog. Today Sabbath September 6th 2008 I was still a bit under the weather so to speak so I didn't attend church. Rather I stayed home and rested according to the commandment. It was quite enjoyable even though the kids were home. Normally there is a lot of sibling rivalry but not today! It was truly a great sabbath. The kids took turns on the computer going of course on 'sabbatical' sites. The weather also added to making today terrific as it was nice and sunny all the day long. We had an interesting sabbath morning worship reading from the book of Malachi chapter 1. The old testament has much for us as Christians to learn from. So continue to read and learn more from the word of God. Be blessed as always.

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